Research Center Health and Prevention across the Lifespan
Applied Psychology I
Univ. Prof. Dr. Severin Hornung
PD Dr. Thomas Höge
Dr. Christine Unterrainer
Univ.-Prof. (em.) Dr. Wolfgang G. Weber
Applied Psychology with a Focus on Social-ecological Responsibility and Sustainability in Work, Economy, and Society
Research on the social and ecological implications of organizational democracy and alternative, common good-oriented models of organization and economy
Analysis of the neoliberal transformation of work, economy and society and its effects on the self-constructions and mental health of working persons
Reflective consideration of ideological influences on theories, constructs, methods and trends in work and organizational psychology as an applied field of social science
Prevention and Health Aspects
Investigation of the comprehensive health-promoting and personality-developing effects of structural co-determination and democratic structures in work organizations
Critical conceptual and empirical analysis of the conflictual basic economic structures and dynamics in work organizations that lead to health restrictions due to overwork and insecurity (e.g. intensification of work, dissolution of boundaries, precarization)
New pathologies of work through self-directed ("subjectivized") work intensification, introjected self-control, and interested self-endangerment
Development of interventions for the socio-ecological transformation of work organizations and social institutions
Lifespan Perspective
Sustainability as containment of economic valorization interests for long-term harmless and impairment-free workload to preserve work ability over the lifespan
Diversity, equity and inclusion of workers from all age groups as part of a solidary socio-moral organizational climate and democratic organizational and economic structures
Publication Highlights
Hornung, S. (Ed.) (2019). Special Issue: Flexibility at Work – Implications for Individuals, Organizations, and Society. Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 12(2).
Hornung, S., Unterrainer, C., & Höge, T. (Eds.) (2023). Special Issue: Documentation of the first International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology. Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 16(1).
Hornung, S., Weber, W., & Höge, T. (2020). Organisationale Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie, Subjektivierung und Gesundheit. In B. Badura, A. Duck, Schröder, H., J. Klose, & M. Meyer, Fehlzeiten-Report 2020 (S. S. 16 -26). Berlin: Springer.
Hornung, S., Weigl, M., Lampert, B., Seubert, C., Höge, T., & Herbig, B. (2022). Societal transitions of work and health from the perspective of subjectification – Critical synthesis of selected studies from Applied Psychology. Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 15(1), 5-24.
Hornung, S., Weigl, M., Lampert, B., Seubert, C., Höge, T., & Herbig, B. (2023). Arbeit und Gesundheit: Angewandte Psychologie für die Arbeitsmedizin. In P. Sachse & E. Ulich (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur Arbeitspsychologie Band 15. Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers.
Höge, T., Strecker, C., Hausler, M., Huber, A., & Höfer, S. (2020). Perceived socio-moral climate and the applicability of signature character strengths at work: a study among hospital physicians. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 463-484.
Unterrainer, C. (2020). Stimmen für Demokratie in der Arbeitswelt. Psychologische Auswirkungen von demokratischen Praktiken in Organisationen. In Die Armutskonferenz et al. (Eds.), Stimmen gegen Armut (S. 131-140). BoD-Verlag.
Spannring, R., Smidt, W., & Unterrainer, C. (Eds.) (2022). Institutions and Organizations as Learning Environments for Participation and Democracy? Opportunities, Challenges, Obstacles. Springer Nature.
Unterrainer, C., Weber, W. G., Höge, T., & Hornung, S. (2022). Psychological and organizational features of successful democratic enterprises: A systematic review on qualitative research studies. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 947559.
Unterrainer, C., Weber, W. G., Höge, T., & Lampert, B. (2022). Workplaces as learning environments: How participative practices in enterprises provide learning opportunities for employees’ democracy relevant orientations and behaviors. In R.
Spannring, W. Smidt, W., & C. Unterrainer, Institutions and organizations as learning environments for participation and democracy? Opportunities, challenges, obstacles (S. 205-232). Cham: Springer.
Weber, W. G., Höge, T., & Hornung, S. (2020). Past, present, and future of critical perspectives in work and organizational psychology – a commentary on Bal (2020). Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie / German Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 64(3), 196-200.
Weber, W. G., Unterrainer, C., & Höge, T., (2020). Psychological research on organizational democracy: A meta-analysis of individual, organizational, and societal outcomes. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 69(3), 1009-1071.
Weber, W. G., Unterrainer, C., & Jønsson, T. F. (Eds.) (2023). Research Topic: Organizational democracy, organizational participation, and employee ownership: Individual, organizational and societal outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.