Research Center Health and Prevention across the Lifespan
Sports Medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hecksteden Anne
Dr. Raffaele Mazzolari, PhD
Dr. Patrick Rodrigues, PhD
Brit Stepper, MSc

Interplay of health and physical activity across the full spectrum of engagement, performance, and loading capacity - from training therapy and preventive exercise to elite sports
Individualization and decision support in preventive and competitive sport
Understanding and optimizing individual response to exercise training
Fitting exercise based and pharmaceutical prevention
Recovery management and injury risk mitigation in elite sports
Molecular aspects of training adaptation and exercise physiology
Gender differences in competitive sports (e.g. differences in trainability and performance capacity between cycle phases including their interindividual variability)
Life span Perspective
As many effects of training require long-term engagement, physical activity across the lifespan is an integral part of sports medicine. The overarching focus is individualization and decision support
Externally Funded Projects
I-REP Individualisierte Regeneration & Verletzungsprädiktion im Hochleistungssport.(Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, ZMI4-070503/23-24, in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln)
The effect of using internal and external measures of exercise intensity to guide training prescription and monitoring on acute physiological response and chronic adaptations in healthy adults. (Tiroler Nachwuchsforscher*innenförderung, Dr. Mazzolari)
Physical examination and sports medical history
Spiroergometry with all relevant forms of exercise (bicycle ergometer, treadmill, hand crank, field tests) and for a wide range of study participants
Capillary and venous blood sampling at rest and during exercise
Measurement of oxygen saturation in blood and tissue
Echocardiography and sonography (in laboratory and field)
Muscle biopsies
Publication Highlights
Werner C, Hecksteden A, Morsch A, Zundler J, Wegmann M, Kratzsch J, Thiery J, Hohl M, Bittenbring J, Neumann F et al. Differential effects of endurance, interval and resistance training on telomerase activity and telomere length in a randomized, controlled study. Eur Heart J, 2019;40(1):34-46. (geteilte Erstautorenschaft)
Barth V, Kasbauer H, Ferrauti A, Kellmann M, Pfeiffer M, Hecksteden A, Meyer T. Individualized Monitoring of Muscle Recovery in Elite Badminton. Front Physiol 2019; 10:10.3389/fphys.2019.00778 (geteilte Seniorautorenschaft)
Ludwig N, Hecksteden A, Kahraman M, Fehlmann T, Laufer T, Kern F, Meyer T, Meese E, Keller A, Backes C: Spring is in the air: seasonal profiles indicate vernal change of miRNA activity. RNA Biol, 2019;16(8):1034-1043. (geteilte Erstautorenschaft)
Hecksteden A, Meyer T. Blood-borne fatigue markers during major international football tournaments a retrospective analysis of data from the FIFA World Championships and UEFA European Championships 2006 – 2016. Sci Med Football, 2020;4(2):135-141.
Hecksteden A, Skorski S, Egger F, Buder F, Kellner R, Meyer T. Dwarfs on the shoulders of giants: Bayesian analysis with informative priors in elite sports research and decision making. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2022(4): doi: 10.3389/fspor.2022.793603
Hecksteden A, Schmartz G, Egyptien Y, aus der Fünten K, Keller A, Meyer T: Forecasting football injuries by combining screening, monitoring and machine learning. Sci Med Football. 2022. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1080/24733938.2022.2095006 (geteilte Erstautorenschaft)
A full publication list of Prof. Hecksteden is available at: https://www.i-med.ac.at/sportmedizin/Publikationsliste_2310.pdf